The field of meteorology contains essential fundamentals for the understanding of climate, climate change and weather. The Leipzig Institute for Meterology is a recognized national centre for meteorological research and teaching. With seven professorships and around 150 students in the bachelor's and master's programme in meteorology, it is one of the largest meteorological institutes in Germany. The main research foci are the observation and modelling of clouds and their role in climate and weather, climate change in the Arctic and the dynamics of the upper atmosphere.
The research work of our institute generally focuses on the validation of models with observational data. This includes specialised observation and calculation methods in the fields of atmospheric radiation, satellite-based, airborne and ground-based remote sensing as well as the dynamics of the upper atmosphere and global climate changes.
There are close cooperations with the Leibnitz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and the German Meteorological Service.
- Atmospheric Radiation
Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch - Meteorology of the Upper Atmosphere
Prof. Dr. Christoph Jacobi - Clouds and Global Climate
Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas - Remote Sensing and Arctic Climate System
Prof. Dr. Heike Kalesse-Los - Aerosols and Clouds
Dr. Matthias Tesche - Cloud and Precipitation Observations for Process Studies (drOPS)
Dr. Maximilian Maahn - Climate Attribution
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Sippel - Climate Causality
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marlene Kretschmer