The Felix Bloch Lecture Leipzig has been established in 2018 on the occasion of Bloch's birthday on 23 October as a biennial event. It includes a lecture and the presentation of the “Felix Bloch Early Investigator Award“.

enlarge the image: Prof. Dr. Marius Grundmann with the winner of the “Felix Bloch Early Investigator Award 2022” Dr. Robin Gühne and the lecturer Prof. Dr. Monika Aidelsburger (from left to right)
Prof. Dr. Marius Grundmann with the winner of the “Felix Bloch Early Investigator Award 2022” Dr. Robin Gühne and the lecturer Prof. Dr. Monika Aidelsburger (from left to right), Photo: Dr. Lukas Trefflich

The Lecture honours Felix Bloch as name patron of our Institute for Solid State Physics and serves as a testimony to his scientific legacy.

The ”Felix Bloch Early Investigator Award” is presented during the event. It is awarded to young scientists for special scientific achievements during their doctoral studies or up to a maximum of three years after their doctorate, which have been significantly developed in Leipzig. 

Felix Bloch Lecture Leipzig on 22 October 2024

4.30pm: Prof Dr Tim Hugo Taminiau
Delft University of Technology 
Modular Quantum Computers Based on Spins in Diamond 

5.30pm: Prof Dr Jörg Deventer 
Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow 
Jews and the University in Modern History. 
The Case of Saxony

Location: Lecture Hall for Theoretical Physics, Linnéstraße 5, 04103 Leipzig

Felix Bloch Lecture Leipzig on 25 October 2022

Prof. Dr. Monika Aidelsburger, LMU Munich
Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms

Early Investigator Award
Dr. Robin Gühne for his PhD thesis “Investigation of the electronic properties of topological insulators with NMR”

Programme and Impressions

Felix Bloch Lecture Leipzig on 26 October 2021

Prof. Dr. Dmitry Budker, Helmholtz Institute Mainz and Johannes Gutenberg University
Extreme NMR – zero field, single spins and dark matter

Early Investigator Award
Dr. Lukas Botsch for his PhD thesis “Toward a systematic discovery of artificial functional ferromagnets and their applications”

Programme and Impressions

Felix Bloch Lecture Leipzig on 23 October 2018

Prof. Dr. Theo Rasing, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Controlling spin dynamics with light

Dr. Gerhard Rammer, TU Berlin
Felix Bloch and his early years in Leipzig

Early Investigator Award
Dr. Ralf Wunderlich for his PhD thesis “Nukleare Hyperpolarisation im Diamanten mittels Stickstoff-Fehlstellen-Zentren und komplexer Vier-Spin-Kopplung”

ProgrammE And Impressions