Publications of the department of Structure and Properties of Complex Materials.
- Experimental and Theoretical Force Constants as Meaningful Indicator for Interatomic Bonding Characteristics and the Specific Case of Elemental Antimony
Franziska Zahn, Jan Hempelmann, Christopher Benndorf, Hans H. Falk, Konrad Ritter, Sergiu Levcenko, Edmund Welter, Oliver Oeckler, Richard Dronskowski, Claudia S. Schnohr
Adv. Mater. 2024, 2416320
- Driving factors for the peculiar bond length dependence and tetragonal distortion of (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 and other chalcopyrites
Hans H Falk, Stefanie Eckner, Konrad Ritter, Sergiu Levcenko, Timo Pfeiffelmann, Jes Larsen, William N Shafarman and Claudia S Schnohr
Journal of Physics: Energy, Volume 7, Number 1
- Cs-Doped and Cs-S Co-Doped CuI p-Type Transparent Semiconductors with Enhanced Conductivity
Adeem S. Mirza, Badri Vishal, Pia Dally, Claudia S. Schnohr, Stefaan De Wolf, Monica Morales-Masis
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2316144
- Peculiar bond length dependence in (Ag,Cu)GaSe2 alloys and its impact on the bandgap bowing
Hans H. Falk; Stefanie Eckner; Michael Seifert; Konrad Ritter; Sergiu Levcenko; Timo Pfeiffelmann; Edmund Welter; Silvana Botti; William N. Shafarman; Claudia S. Schnohr
APL Mater. 11, 111105 (2023)
- Atomic scale structure and bond stretching force constants in stoichiometric and off-stoichiometric kesterites
Konrad Ritter, Galina Gurieva, Stefanie Eckner, Rene Schwiddessen, Francesco d’Acapito, Edmund Welter, Susan Schorr and Claudia S. Schnohr
J. Chem. Phys. 159, 154705 (2023)
- Oxygen-induced phase separation in sputtered Cu-Sn-I-O thin films
E. M. Zollner, S. Selle, C. Yang, K. Ritter, S. Eckner, E. Welter, M. Grundmann, C. S. Schnohr
Phys. Status Solidi A, 2200646/1-10 (2023)
- Optical properties of AgxCu1–xI alloy thin films
Evgeny Krüger, Michael Seifert, Volker Gottschalch, Harald Krautscheid, Claudia S. Schnohr, Silvana Botti, Marius Grundmann, Chris Sturm
AIP Advances 13, 035117 (2023)
- Elucidating the local structure of V substitutes in In2S3 as potential intermediate band material by x-ray absorption spectroscopy and first principles calculations
Elaheh Ghorbani, Martin Schiller, Hans H Falk, Leonard A Wägele, Stefanie Eckner, Francesco d'Acapito, Roland Scheer, Karsten Albe und Claudia S Schnohr
J. Phys. Energy, 5 035003 (2023)
- High-resolution XEOL spectroscopy setup at the X-ray absorption spectroscopy beamline P65 of PETRA III
Sergiu Levcenco, Regina Biller, Timo Pfeiffelmann, Konrad Ritter, Hans H. Falk, Taowen Wang, Susanne Siebentritt, Edmund Welter, Claudia S. Schnohr
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 29, 1209-1215 (2022)
- Atomic Scale Structure of (Ag,Cu)2ZnSnSe4 and Cu2Zn(Sn,Ge)Se4 Kesterite Thin Films
Konrad Ritter, Galina Gurieva, Stefanie Eckner, Cora Preiß, Maurizio Ritzer, Charles J. Hages, Edmund Welter, Rakesh Agrawal, Susan Schorr, Claudia S. Schnohr
Frontiers in Energy Research 9, 656006 (2021)
- Insights into interface and bulk defects in a high efficiency kesterite-based device
Robert Fonoll-Rubio, Jacob Andrade-Arvizu, Javier Blanco-Portals, Ignacio Becerril-Romero, Maxim Guc, Edgardo Saucedo, Francesca Peiró, Lorenzo Calvo-Barrio, Maurizio Ritzer, Claudia S. Schnohr, Marcel Placidi, Sònia Estradé, Victor Izquierdo-Roca, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez
Energy & Environmental Science 14, 507-523 (2021)
- Cu/Zn disorder in stoichiometric Cu2ZnSn(S1-xSex)4 semiconductors: A complementary neutron and anomalous X-ray diffraction study
Galina Gurieva, Daniel M. Többens, Sergiu Levcenco, Thomas Unold, Susan Schorr
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 846, 156304 (2020)
- In-Operando Nanoscale X-ray Analysis Revealing the Local Electrical Properties of Rubidium-Enriched Grain Boundaries in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells
Christian T. Plass, Maurizio Ritzer, Philipp Schöppe, Sven Schönherr, Maximilian Zapf, Martin Hafermann, Andreas Johannes, Gema Martínez-Criado, Jaime Segura-Ruiz, Roland Würz, Philip Jackson, Claudia S. Schnohr, Carsten Ronning
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 57117-57123 (2020)
- Interplay of Performance-Limiting Nanoscale Features in Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells
Maurizio Ritzer, Sven Schönherr, Philipp Schöppe, Gerardo Larramona, Christophe Choné, Galina Gurieva, Andreas Johannes, Konrad Ritter, Gema Martínez-Criado, Susan Schorr, Carsten Ronning, Claudia S. Schnohr
Physica Status Solidi A 217, 2000456 (2020)
- Atomic scale structure and its impact on the band gap energy for Cu2Zn(Sn,Ge)Se4 kesterite alloys
Konrad Ritter, Stefanie Eckner, Cora Preiß, Galina Gurieva, Thomas Bischoff, Edmund Welter, Silvana Botti, Susan Schorr, Claudia S Schnohr
Journal of Physics: Energy 2, 035004 (2020)
- On the Germanium Incorporation in Cu2ZnSnSe4 Kesterite Solar Cells Boosting Their Efficiency
Maurizio Ritzer, Sven Schönherr, Philipp Schöppe, Wolfgang Wisniewski, Sergio Giraldo, Galina Gurieva, Andreas Johannes, Christian T. Plass, Konrad Ritter, Gema Martínez-Criado, Susan Schorr, Edgardo Saucedo, Carsten Ronning, Claudia S. Schnohr
ACS Applied Energy Materials 3, 558-564 (2020)
- Revealing the origin of the beneficial effect of cesium in highly efficient Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells
Philipp Schöppe, Sven Schönherr, Manjusha Chugh, Hossein Mirhosseini, Philip Jackson, Roland Wuerz, Maurizio Ritzer, Andreas Johannes, Gema Martínez-Criado, Wolfgang Wisniewski, Torsten Schwarz, Christian T. Plass, Martin Hafermann, Thomas D. Kühne, Claudia S. Schnohr, Carsten Ronning
Nano Energy 71, 104622 (2020)
- Point defects, compositional fluctuations, and secondary phases in non-stoichiometric kesterites
Susan Schorr, Galina Gurieva, Maxim Guc, Mirjana Dimitrievska, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez, Victor Izquierdo-Roca, Claudia S Schnohr, Juran Kim, William Jo, José Manuel Merino
Journal of Physics Energy 2, 012002 (2020)
- Bond-stretching force constants and vibrational frequencies in ternary zinc-blende alloys: A systematic comparison of (In,Ga)P, (In,Ga)As and Zn(Se,Te)
Stefanie Eckner, Andreas Johannes, Martin Gnauck, Helena Kämmer, Tobias Steinbach, Sven Schönherr, Roman Chernikov, Edmund Welter, Mark C. Ridgway, Claudia S. Schnohr
Europhysics Letters 126, 36002 (2019)
- Short-range versus long-range structure in Cu(In,Ga)Se2, Cu(In,Ga)3Se5, and Cu(In,Ga)5Se8
Erik Haubold, Philipp Schöppe, Stefanie Eckner, Sebastian Lehmann, Ivan Colantoni, Francesco d'Acapito, Francesco di Benedetto, Susan Schorr, Claudia S. Schnohr
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 774, 803-812 (2019)
- Overall Distribution of Rubidium in Highly Efficient Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells
Philipp Schöppe, Sven Schönherr, Wolfgang Wisniewski, Roland Wuerz, Wolfgang Wisniewski, Maurizio Ritzer, Maximilian Zapf, Andreas Johannes, Claudia S. Schnohr, Carsten Ronning
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 40592-40598 (2018)
- Reversible correlation between subnanoscale structure and Cu content in co-evaporated Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films
Claudia S. Schnohr, Stefanie Eckner, Philipp Schöppe, Erik Haubold, Francesco d’Acapito, Dieter Greiner, Christian A. Kaufmann
Acta Materialia 153, 8-14 (2018)
- Bond-strength inversion in (In,Ga)As semiconductor alloys
Stefanie Eckner, Konrad Ritter, Philipp Schöppe, Erik Haubold, Erich Eckner, Jura Rensberg, Robert Röder, Mark C. Ridgway, and Claudia S. Schnohr
Physical Review B 97, 195202/1-6 (2018)
- Rubidium segregation at random grain boundaries in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorbers
Philipp Schöppe, Sven Schönherr, Roland Wuerz, Wolfgang Wisniewski, Gema Martínez-Criado, Maurizio Ritzer, Konrad Ritter, Carsten Ronning, Claudia S. Schnohr
Nano Energy 42, 307-313 (2017)
- Discrepancy between integral and local composition in off-stoichiometric Cu2ZnSnSe4 kesterites: A pitfall for classification
Philipp Schöppe, Galina Gurieva, Sergio Giraldo, Gema Martínez-Criado, Carsten Ronning, Edgardo Saucedo, Susan Schorr, Claudia S. Schnohr
Applied Physics Letters 110, 043901/1-5 (2017)
- Ion-implantation-induced amorphization of InxGa1−xP alloys as functions of stoichiometry and temperature
Zohair S. Hussain, Elke Wendler, Werner Wesch, Claudia S. Schnohr, Mark C. Ridgway
Journal of Applied Physics 119, 195702/1-7 (2016)
- Compound semiconductor alloys: From atomic-scale structure to bandgap bowing
Claudia S. Schnohr
Applied Physics Reviews 2, 031304/1-43 (2015)
- Composition-dependent nanostructure of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 powders and thin films
C.S. Schnohr, H. Kämmer, T. Steinbach, M. Gnauck, T. Rissom, C.A. Kaufmann, C. Stephan, S. Schorr
Thin Solid Films 582, 356-360 (2015)
- Improved Ga grading of sequentially produced Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells studied by high resolution X-ray fluorescence
Philipp Schöppe, Claudia S. Schnohr, Michael Oertel, Alexander Kusch, Andreas Johannes, Stefanie Eckner, Manfred Burghammer, Gema Martínez-Criado, Udo Reislöhner, Carsten Ronning
Applied Physics Letters 106, 013909/1-4 (2015)
- Local versus global electronic properties of chalcopyrite alloys: X-ray absorption spectroscopy and ab initio calculations
Rafael Sarmiento-Pérez, Silvana Botti, Claudia S. Schnohr, Iver Lauermann, Angel Rubio, Benjamin Johnson
Journal of Applied Physics 116, 093703/1-5 (2014)
- Temperature-Dependent Second Shell Interference in the First Shell Analysis of Crystalline InP X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Data
Claudia S. Schnohr, Leandro L. Araujo, Mark C. Ridgway
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83, 094602/1-6 (2014)
- Nano-porosity in GaSb induced by swift heavy ion irradiation
P. Kluth, J. Sullivan, W. Li, R. Weed, C. S. Schnohr, R. Giulian, L. L. Araujo, W. Lei, M. D. Rodriguez, B. Afra, T. Bierschenk, R. C. Ewing, and M. C. Ridgway
Applied Physics Letters 104, 023105/1-4 (2014)
- Transparent CdTe solar cells with a ZnO:Al back contact
Christoph Heisler, Claudia S. Schnohr, Mathias Hädrich, Michael Oertel, Christian Kraft, Udo Reislöhner, Heinrich Metzner, Werner Wesch
Thin Solid Films 548, 627-631 (2013)
- Atomic-scale structure, cation distribution, and bandgap bowing in Cu(In,Ga)S2 and Cu(In,Ga)Se2
Stefanie Eckner, Helena Kämmer, Tobias Steinbach, Martin Gnauck, Andreas Johannes, Christiane Stephan, Susan Schorr, Claudia S. Schnohr
Applied Physics Letters 103, 081905/1-4 (2013)
- Lift-off protocols for thin films for use in EXAFS experiments
Stefan Decoster, Chris J. Glover, Bernt Johannessen, Raquel Giulian, David J. Sprouster, Patrick Kluth, Leandro L. Araujo, Zohair S. Hussain, Claudia Schnohr, Hazar Salama, Felipe Kremer, Kristiaan Temst, André Vantomme, Mark C. Ridgway
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 20, 426-432 (2013)
- Structural and electronic contributions to the bandgap bowing of (In,Ga)P alloys
Claudia S. Schnohr
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 325802/1-6 (2012)
- Atomic-scale structure and band-gap bowing in Cu(In,Ga)Se2
C. S. Schnohr, H. Kämmer, C. Stephan, S. Schorr, T. Steinbach, J. Rensberg
Physical Review B 85, 2452045/1-7 (2012)
- Structural properties of embedded Ge nanoparticles modified by swift heavy-ion irradiation
L. L. Araujo, R. Giulian, D. J. Sprouster, C. S. Schnohr, D. J. Llewellyn, B. Johannessen, A. P. Byrne, M. C. Ridgway
Physical Review B 85, 235417/1-11 (2012)
- Damage evolution and amorphization in semiconductors under ion irradiation
W. Wesch, E. Wendler, C.S. Schnohr
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 277, 58-69 (2012)
- Ion-beam-induced damage formation in CdTe at a temperature of 15 K
C.W. Rischau, C.S. Schnohr, E. Wendler, W. Wesch
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 272, 338-341 (2012)
- Void formation in amorphous germanium due to high electronic energy deposition
Konrad Gärtner, Julius Jöhrens, Tobias Steinbach, Claudia S. Schnohr, Mark C. Ridgway, Werner Wesch
Physical Review B 83, 224106/1-9 (2011)
- Ion-beam-induced damage formation in CdTe
Carl W. Rischau, Claudia S. Schnohr, Elke Wendler, Werner Wesch
Journal of Applied Physics 109, 113531/1-12 (2011)
- Swift heavy ion irradiation of Pt nanocrystals: II. Structural changes and H desorption
Raquel Giulian, Leandro L. Araujo, Patrick Kluth, David J. Sprouster, Claudia S. Schnohr, Aidan P. Byrne, Mark C. Ridgway
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 155402/1-7 (2011)
- Swift heavy ion irradiation of Pt nanocrystals: I. shape transformation and dissolution
Raquel Giulian, Leandro L. Araujo, Patrick Kluth, David J. Sprouster, Claudia S. Schnohr, Aidan P. Byrne, Mark C. Ridgway
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 155401/1-7 (2011)
- Influence of electronic energy deposition on the structural modification of swift heavy-ion-irradiated amorphous germanium layers
Tobias Steinbach, Claudia S. Schnohr, Patrick Kluth, Raquel Giulian, Leandro L. Araujo, David J. Sprouster, Mark C. Ridgway, Werner Wesch
Physical Review B 83, 054113/1-8 (2011)
- Swift-heavy-ion-induced damage formation in III-V binary and ternary semiconductors
Claudia S. Schnohr, Patrick Kluth, Raquel Giulian, David J. Llewellyn, Aidan P. Byrne, David J. Cookson, Mark C. Ridgway
Physical Review B 81, 075201/1-9 (2010)
- fcc-hcp phase transformation in Co nanoparticles induced by swift heavy-ion irradiation
David J. Sprouster, Raquel Giulian, Claudia S. Schnohr, Leandro L. Araujo, Patrick Kluth, Aidan P. Byrne, Garry J. Foran, Bernt Johannessen, Mark C. Ridgway
Physical Review B 80, 115438/1-5 (2009)
- Anisotropic vibrations in crystalline and amorphous InP
Claudia S. Schnohr, Patrick Kluth, Leandro L. Araujo, David J. Sprouster, Aidan P. Byrne, Garry J. Foran, Mark C. Ridgway
Physical Review B 79, 195203/1-10 (2009)
- Structural modification of swift heavy ion irradiated amorphous Ge layers
Werner Wesch, Claudia S. Schnohr, Patrick Kluth, Zohair S. Hussain, Leandro L. Araujo, Raquel Giulian, David J. Sprouster, Aidan P. Byrne, Mark C. Ridgway
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 115402/1-5 (2009)
- Temperature-dependent EXAFS analysis of embedded Pt nanocrystals
Raquel Giulian, Leandro L. Araujo, Patrick Kluth, David J. Sprouster, Claudia S. Schnohr, Garry J. Foran, Mark C. Ridgway
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 155302/1-6 (2009)
- Changes in metal nanoparticle shape and size induced by swift heavy-ion irradiation
Mark C. Ridgway, Patrick Kluth, Raquel Giulian, David J. Sprouster, Leandro L. Araujo, Claudia S. Schnohr, David J. Llewellyn, Aidan P. Byrne, Garry J. Foran, David J. Cookson
Nuclear Instruments Methods B 267, 931-935 (2009)
- Energy dependent saturation width of swift heavy ion shaped embedded Au nanoparticles
Patrick Kluth, Raquel Giulian, David J. Sprouster, Claudia S. Schnohr, Aidan P. Byrne, David J. Cookson, Mark C. Ridgway
Applied Physics Letters 94, 113107/1-3 (2009)
- Rapid ion-implantation-induced amorphization of InxGa1−xAs relative to InAs and GaAs
Zohair S. Hussain, Elke Wendler, Werner Wesch, Garry J. Foran, Claudia S. Schnohr, David J. Llewellyn, Mark C. Ridgway
Physical Review B 79, 085202/1-6 (2009)
- The influence of annealing conditions on the growth and structure of embedded Pt nanocrystals
Raquel Giulian, Leandro L. Araujo, Patrick Kluth, David J. Sprouster, Claudia S. Schnohr, Bernt Johannessen, Garry J. Foran, Mark C. Ridgway
Journal of Applied Physics 105, 044303/1-8 (2009)
- Fine Structure in Swift Heavy Ion Tracks in Amorphous SiO2
Patrick Kluth, Claudia S. Schnohr, Olli H. Pakarinen, Flyura Djurabekova, David J. Sprouster, Raquel Giulian, Mark C. Ridgway, Aidan P. Byrne, Christina Trautmann, David J. Cookson, Kai Nordlund, Marcel Toulemonde
Physical Review Letters 101, 175503/1-4 (2008)
- Atomic-scale structure of Ga1−xInxP alloys measured with extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
Claudia S. Schnohr, Leandro L. Araujo, Patrick Kluth, David J. Sprouster, Garry J. Foran, Mark C. Ridgway
Physical Review B 78, 115201/1-8 (2008)
- Size-dependent characterization of embedded Ge nanocrystals: Structural and thermal properties
Leandro L. Araujo, Raquel Giulian, David J. Sprouster, Claudia S. Schnohr, David J. Llewellyn, Patrick Kluth, David J. Cookson, Garry J. Foran, Mark C. Ridgway
Physical Review B 78, 094112/1-15 (2008)
- Measurement of latent tracks in amorphous SiO2 using small angle X-ray scattering
Patrick Kluth, Claudia S. Schnohr, David J. Sprouster, Aidan P. Byrne, David J. Cookson, Mark C. Ridgway
Nuclear Instruments Methods B 266, 2994-2997 (2008)
- Comparison of the atomic structure of InP amorphized by electronic or nuclear ion energy-loss processes
Claudia S. Schnohr, Patrick Kluth, Aidan P. Byrne, Garry J. Foran, Mark C. Ridgway
Physical Review B 77, 073204/1-4 (2008)
- Ion irradiation effects on metallic nanocrystals
Patrick Kluth, Bernt Johannessen, Raquel Giulian, Claudia S. Schnohr, Garry J. Foran, David J. Cookson, Aidan P. Byrne, Mark C. Ridgway
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 162, 501-513 (2007)
- EXAFS study of the amorphous phase of InP after swift heavy ion irradiation
Claudia S. Schnohr, Patrick Kluth, Aidan P. Byrne, Garry J. Foran, Mark C. Ridgway
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 257, 293-296 (2007)
- Room temperature annealing of low-temperature ion implanted sapphire
Claudia S. Schnohr, Elke Wendler, Werner Wesch
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 257, 492-495 (2007)
- Ion-beam induced effects at 15 K in a-Al2O3 of different orientations
Claudia S. Schnohr, Elke Wendler, Konrad Gärtner, Werner Wesch, Klaus Ellmer
Journal of Applied Physics 99, 123511/1-10 (2006)
- Ion-beam induced effects in A-Al2O3 at 15 K
Claudia S. Schnohr, Elke Wendler, Konrad Gärtner, Klaus Ellmer, Werner Wesch
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 250, 85-89 (2006)