Our working group aims to study the role of the biosphere in mediating carbon, water and energy exchanges between the atmosphere and the land surface, and the climate-biosphere feedbacks that arise from those interactions.

Specific topics include the links between climate change, natural variability and extreme events and vegetation dynamics, with a focus on the carbon cycle, changes in disturbance regimes and ecosystem resilience under climate change and the influence of land-use and management on the terrestrial biosphere. 

By combining observation-based data with data-driven and process-based modeling, we aim to reduce uncertainties in key components of the Earth System, particularly the feedbacks between climate and the carbon-cycle and better constrain the contribution of land ecosystems for climate change mitigation.

Working Group Team

Prof. Dr. Ana Bastos

Prof. Dr. Ana Bastos

Professorin für Land-Atmosphären-Interaktionen

Talstraße 35, Room 2-16
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32804

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Eleanor Jane Florence Butler

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-21
04103 Leipzig

Dr. Leonore Jungandreas

Dr. Leonore Jungandreas

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-15
04103 Leipzig

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Albert Jornet Puig

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-21
04103 Leipzig

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Dr. Eleonora Linscheid

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-15
04103 Leipzig

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Ph.D. Guohua Liu

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-21
04103 Leipzig

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Ph.D. Yimian Ma

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-21
04103 Leipzig

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Franziska Rosa-Maria Müller

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-21
04103 Leipzig

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Dominic Schierbaum

Wiss. Mitarbeiter / Doktorand

Talstraße 35, Room 2-21
04103 Leipzig

 Sara Maria Vallejo Bernal

Sara Maria Vallejo Bernal

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-14
04103 Leipzig

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