Faculty of Physics and Earth System Sciences
work Institutsgebäude Linnéstraße 504103 Leipzig
Phone: work +49 341 97 - 32400
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer
Vice-Dean for Research Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos
Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas
Dean Prof. Dr. Marius Grundmann
Dean of Studies for Physics and Meteorology Prof. Dr. Michael Ziese
Deanery Dr. Annett Kaldich
Secretariat Susan Baeumler
Institutes & Facilities
Arktische Klimaänderungen work Institutsgebäude Prager Straße 34-36, Room 51004317 Leipzig
Phone: work +49 341 97 - 36664
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I am working as a PhD student in the "Aerosols and clouds" research group at the Leipzig Institute for Meteorology. My research focuses on cloud tracking in satellite data and cloud properties such as cloud lifetime under different conditions.
Curriculum Vitae
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