The student advisory service helps you to answer any questions you may have about your studies. Together we look for solutions to problems concerning your studies, but also to private difficulties, and help you to concentrate on your studies in the best possible way.
- Student avisory Service of the Leipzig Institute of Meteorology
- Study office of the Faculty of Physics and Earth system sciences
- ERASMUS-Contacts
- Student Service Centre
- Leipzig Studieren!
- Councelling service of the Stundenwerkes Leipzig
- Councelling Service of the Office for Equal Opportunities
- Student representatives Physics/Meteorology - Der FARAΦY
- Career Service
Student advisory service at the Institute of Meteorology
- Dr. André Ehrlich
Stephanstraße 3, room 1.06
Phone: +49 341 97-32874
- Prof. Dr. Chritoph Jacobi
Stephanstraße 3, room 1.02
Phone: +49 341 97-32876
Send EMail
- Dr. Marc Salzmann
Stephanstraße 3, room 0.04Phone: +49 341 97-32932
Send EMail
- Answering your questions about studying meteorology
- Advice you in your choice of elective courses
- Advice on changing your place of study
- Advice on your stay abroad
Study Office of the Faculty of Physics and Geosciences
- Study Office
Fakulty of Physics and Earth System sciences
Linnéstraße 5, 04103 Leipzig
Phone: +49 341 97-32407
- Office Hours
Tuesday: 9.00 am – 12.00 pm and 1.00 pm – 3.30 pm
Thursday: 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
- Answering questions about general study matters
- Coordination of application and admission procedures
- Coordination of the module registration
- Advice on study organisation
- Preparation of transcripts of records, degree certificates and German Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) performance records
- Examination administration
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas
Stephanstraße 3, room 0.05
Phone: +49 341 97-32931
E-Mail schreiben
- Answering questions about your stay abroad
- Advice on exchange students in Leipzig
Student Service Centre
The SSZ is the central service facility for all prospective students, applicants and current students of our university. It brings together the information, advice and services offered by the Student Advisory Service, the Student Office, the International Centre and the Studentenwerk Leipzig. There are also six online information stations and an information desk.
Leipzig studieren!
Why to study What to study?
On the portal "Leipzig Studieren!" you will find answers to questions about studying at the University of Leipzig for prospective students, teachers and parents. (German website)
Councelling service of Studentenwerk Leipzig
Studying involves great demands and everyday student life may possibly become a burden. Studentenwerk Leipzig provides students with assistance in difficult personal situations and under special circumstances. In addition to social counseling, we offer psychosocial counseling and legal counseling services.
The student organizations (StudentInnenRat) of Leipzig University and HTWK Leipzig provide various counseling services for students as well. They give assistance and support in organizing and handling your everyday life at university.
Councelling service of the Office for Equal Opportunities
To guaranty equal opportunities for all students, the University Leipzig offers assistance programs and support.
rEAD MORE (Geman Website)
Student Representatives PHYSIcs and METEOROLOGy - DER FARAΦY
The Student Representatives of Physics and Meteorology are the elected representatives of the students of our faculty. We help students with problems during their studies.
Career Service
What do you want to do after studying?
It makes sense to start thinking about career opportunities while you’re still at university. The university’s Career Service offers guidance and support.