Leipzig is one of the the largest of the ten study locations in Germany offering a comprehensive Bachelor's and Master's degree programme in meteorology.

The course programme is closely linked to the research activities in Leipzig. Teaching and research in various fields of atmospheric sciences is also conducted in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ).

Portrait photo Prof. Dr. Mafred Wendisch, Photo: Swen Reichhold

Study this exciting subject! We are not a university subject for the masses. You will be individually supported by us.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch

B. Sc. Meteorologie

  • A bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate degree and the first professional qualification awarded by higher education institutions.
  • A bachelor’s programme lasts six semesters (three years) and leads to a Bachelor of Science (B. Sc).
  • Read more (only German)

The study of meteorology covers the entire field of atmospheric sciences. During your studies, you will be able to apply the mathematical and physical fundamentals of atmospheric sciences to specific meteorological questions in the full scope of the subject of meteorology. After graduating, you will be able to recognise, classify and answer meteorological questions and to communicate these answers to both a specialist audience and the general public. Questions about climate, weather forecasting and meteorological measurement methods are part of the training from the very beginning.

The Bachelor’s degree programme is offered only in German.

enlarge the image: Answering questions on climate, weather forecasting and meteorological measurement methods are components of the course. Photo: Swen Reichhold
Answering questions on climate, weather forecasting and meteorological measurement methods are components of the course. Photo: Swen Reichhold

M. Sc. Meteorology

  • A bachelor’s programme can be followed by a master’s, which results in a higher academic degree.
  • A master’s programme in Meteorology lasts four semesters (two years) and leads to a Master of Science (MSc) degree.
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enlarge the image: A young man stands on the tower of the Institute of Meteorology and collects weather data. Photo: Swen Reichhold
During their studies, students deal with current research topics and perform their own experiments. Photo: Swen Reichhold

The English Master's degree programme "Meteorology" is focused on research and is intended to provide in-depth insight into the theoretical and experimental working methods in meteorology. Students should learn to approach independently and to answer current questions in general, applied and theoretical meteorology.

The programme consists of four semesters and is focused on the current research content of the Institute of Meteorology and its cooperation partners. It includes

  • a compulsory area for an intensive study of the basic issues of meteorology
  • a compulsory elective area, which is structured directly by the scientific working groups and
  • a research area with intensive training in a scientific subject.

The programme is completed in the fourth semester with a Master's thesis. After graduation, you will be able to contribute to meteorological research at an international level.

enlarge the image: A young woman sits in front of a monitor and analyses a weather map. Photo Franziska Frenzel
Advanced Weather discussion is a part of the study. Photo: Franziska Frenzel

The degree programme provides you with the qualifications for scientific and management professional activities and imparts the necessary professional knowledge, skills and methods. After completing your studies, you will have career opportunities in the following areas, among others:

  • Meteorological research
  • Weather and climate services
  • Renewable energy: consulting and forecasting
  • Environmental protection and management
  • Air pollution control and noise protection
  • Meteorological measurement technology: development, quality assurance, monitoring
  • Meteorological reports, climate certificates

The Master's degree in Meteorology also qualifies you for a subsequent doctorate.

The Rectorate Commission for Teaching, Studies and Examinations of the University of Leipzig awards accreditation to the study programme Meteorology, Master of Science. With this certificate, the Commission confirms that the degree programme meets the quality standards of the University of Leipzig and that this has been verified both in the internal evaluation procedure and in a procedure involving experts from outside the University.

The accreditation is valid until 30 September 2027.


Guest Auditor

  • As a guest auditor, you can attend courses at our institute without obtaining a degree.
  • A guest auditor is available for all those who wish to continue studying individually before, during or after their professional career.
  • Guest auditors are also possible without a university entrance qualification.
  • Find out more on the University's web pages how you can become a guest student at our university and which offers are available to you.
Portait photo Prof. Dr. Christoph Jacobi / Photo: Swen Reichhold

Meteorology is a small subject with comparatively modest student numbers. Take advantage of this, the lecturers have time for you!

Prof. Dr. Christoph Jacobi

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