Jun.-Prof. Dr. Djamil Al-Halbouni

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Djamil Al-Halbouni

Junior Professor

Angewandte erdoberflächennahe Geophysik und Fernerkundung
Talstraße 35, Room 0-11
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32901

The research group “Applied Near-Surface Geophysics and Remote Sensing”, led by junior professor Djamil Al-Halbouni, investigates research topics relevant to the human-nature interaction system. The group’s work focuses on subsurface water’s influence on natural hazards and its relationship to climate extremes. Characterizing water flow and availability, changes in the hydrological system (e.g., droughts, flash floods), and surface and subsurface deformation is essential to understand the processes that lead to short- and long-term hazardous effects. Such hazards include subsidence, landslides, and strong ground erosion, as well as the feedback onto natural ecologic systems such as stress on forests and plantations.

More broadly, the impact of groundwater/soil moisture and salinization on environmental dynamics within fragile ecosystems, particularly with regard to climate change and global warming, are challenges the group’s members address. Our compass also points towards the domains of of quaternary geology, geomorphology, geomechanics, geoarchaeology, and geoecology with a focus on landscape reconstruction processes and sustainable use of geosites in the framework of UNESCO Global Geoparks.

  • 3D soil moisture monitoring to analyze stress reactions and atmospheric feedbacks in forests
    Al-Halbouni, Djamil
    Duration: 05/2022 – 12/2024
    Funded by: SMWK Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Angewandte erdoberflächennahe Geophysik und Fernerkundung; Fernerkundung in der Geo- und Ökosystemforschung
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more projects

  • AlRabayah, O.; Caus, D.; Watson, R. A.; Schulten, H. Z.; Weigel, T.; Rüpke, L.; Al-Halbouni, D.
    Deep-Learning-Based Automatic Sinkhole Recognition: Application to the Eastern Dead Sea
    Remote Sensing. 2024. 16 (13). p. 2264.
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  • Orhan, O.; Haghshenas Haghighi, M.; Demir, V.; Gökkaya, E.; Gutierrez, F.; Al-Halbouni, D.
    Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Land Subsidence and Sinkhole Occurrence in the Konya Endorheic Basin, Turkey
    Geosciences. 2024. 14 (5). pp. 1–22.
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  • Mahecha, M.; Bastos, A.; Bohn, F. J. et al.
    Biodiversity and climate extremes: known interactions and research gaps
    Earth's Future. 2024. 12 (6).
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  • Al-Halbouni, D.; AlRabayah, O.; Watson, R. A.; Stewart, I.
    Dead Sea-rious: shrinking and sinking
    The Geographer. 2023.
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more publications

Applied Geophysics and Remote Sensing

  • Environmental Geophysics

  • Earth Surface Deformation

  • Regional Geography

Research fields

Earth Science


  • Hydrogeophysics

  • Natural hazards

  • Karst

  • Subsidence

  • Remote sensing

  • Groundwater

  • Sinkholes

  • Soil moisture

  • Numerical modeling of ground deformation

  • Soil mechanics

  • Geoelectrics

  • Electromagnetic and magnetic methods

  • Archaeological Geophysics

  • Dead Sea

Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32901

Absence times

Unfortunately, I am not available for media inquiries during the following periods:

  • 15.08.2024 - 15.09.2024