A semester abroad is a valuable experience for your further studies in Leipzig and your future career. In most cases you can have your academic achievements from abroad recognised. Funding through Erasmus+ is possible for a study visit or an internship during your studies, within one year of completing your degree and during your doctorate.
Stay Abroad with Erasmus+
Studying Abroad with Erasmus+
Most important points for studying abroad:
- Requirements: When taking up your studies under the Erasmus+ programme, you have already successfully completed your first year of study at Leipzig University (exception: master’s students) and you fulfil the necessary language requirements for the language of instruction at the host university.
- You will study for three to twelve months at a partner university within the 27 EU countries (including overseas countries and territories), the United Kingdom, Turkey, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia or Serbia.
- The participation in an Erasmus+ programme is independent of your own nationality.
- You are not required to pay tuition fees at the partner university.
- The funding is not tied to the academic year.
- Multiple funding is possible: per study phase (bachelor's students, master's students and doctoral candidates) up to twelve months and in state examination courses of study up to 24 months abroad for the study and/or internship are funded.
Find out more about partner universities, funding opportunities and how to apply for a study visit on the website of the International Centre. You will also find information on the linguistic preparation and the recognition of credits earned abroad.
Internship Aborad with Erasmus+
Most important points for an internship abroad:
- Internships are funded for 60 days or more.
- You will need to find an approved receiving institution within within the 27 EU countries (including overseas countries and territories), the United Kingdom, Turkey, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia or Serbia.
- The participation in an Erasmus+ programme is independent of your own nationality.
- Voluntary and compulsory internships are funded.
- You choose the start and end time of your internship yourself.
- Application deadline: Please submit your application at least one month before the start of your internship.
- Multiple funding is possible: per study phase (bachelor's students, master's students and doctoral candidates) up to twelve months and in state examination courses of study up to 24 months abroad for the internships and/or study are funded.
Find out more about partner universities, funding opportunities, necessary language skills and how to apply for an internship abroad on the website of the International Centre.
Erasmus+ Subject Coordinators
If you would like to apply for an Erasmus+ study or internship abroad, please submit your application to your Erasmus+ subject coordinator. If you would like to have your study and examination achievements from abroad recognised, please contact him prior to your stay abroad.
The subject coordinators at our faculty are:
- Physics, International Physics Studies Program (IPSP): Dr. Jochen Zahn
- Meteorology: Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas
- Remote Sensing: Dr. Katharina Methner
- Geography: Michael Seidel
Stay Abroad Worldwide
Are you interested in a stay abroad outside of Europe? From 1 November to 1 December of each year you can apply to the International Centre for a study visit of one or two semesters worldwide.
Our university is networked with a large number of partner universities. The places depend on the courses of study offered by the respective partner university and are open to you regardless of your nationality and subject area.
Find out more about partner universities, requirements, funding opportunities and applying for a study visit worldwide on the website of the International Centre.
With a PROMOS scholarship, you can do an internship outside of the Erasmus+ funding region. The duration is between six weeks and six months.