Changes Regarding the Proof of Inability to Take Examinations
Since 1 January 2025, a medical certificate confirming the inability to take examinations due to illness is required in accordance with § 36 Abs. 10 of the Sächsisches Hochschulgesetz. A standard certificate of incapacity for work (commonly known as the “yellow slip”) is no longer sufficient. Please note the information below.
In Case of Illness
You are ill and cannot take an examination? If so, please immediately notify the person responsible for the examination and/or module as well as the study office that you are unable to take the examination and submit a medical certificate to the study office within four working days. For examinations that take place on a specific exam day, the medical certificate must typically be issued by the doctor no later than the day of the examination (for example the date of a written exam). For examinations with longer processing times (for example term papers), the certificate must be issued within the processing time.
You can hand in the document at the study office, put it in the mailbox of the study office (left of room 223) or send them by post or email. In case of an unexcused absence, the exam will be graded with 5.0.
For further information and to access the form, please visit the cental website of our university.
Qualified Medical Certificate and Public Health Certificate
In individual cases, a qualified medical certificate, or in case of doubt, an official public health certificate with more detailed information on the health impairment may be required. In such cases, you will be informed about this necessity in advance. The same deadlines apply as described above. Additionally, the qualified medical certificate must describe the health impairment (for example, indication of pain) and specify the resulting reduction in performance capacity during the examination (for example, significant impairment of concentration ability).
A public health certificate is issued by the Health Office of the city of Leipzig. On the day of your examination call the Health Office to make an appointment for a medical check-up between 8am and 3pm. Should you be sick to such a degree that you cannot leave the house, ask the Health Office for further instructions.
To issue the certificate, the Medical Health Officer will require the following documents:
- Certificate of incapacity for work or similar from your medical doctor (general practitioner) or medical specialist including the diagnosis
- ID card stating your address in Leipzig or residence certificate
The Public Health Office currently charges a fee of 60 euros, please have the exact amount ready in cash or, even better, pay by debit card.