Here you will find an overview of past faculty colloquia as well as past colloquia of physics, meteorology, and geography. Furthermore, you will find here other past events of our faculty or of interest to members of our faculty.
Faculty Colloquium
- 5 December 2023, 4.30–5.30pm
Inaugural lecture of the Leibniz Professor: Hybrid ferromagnetic-superconductor nanosystems
Prof Dr Sergei P. Kruchinin, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
- 27 June 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Inaugural lecture: Rotating black holes, gravitational waves and determinism
Prof Dr Dejan Gajic, Universität Leipzig - 13 June 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Inaugural lecture: The world of kagome
Prof Dr Alexander Tsirlin, Universität Leipzig
- 1 November 2022, 5.00pm–6.00pm
Inaugural lecture: Microfluidic island biogeography — jam and conquer —
Prof Dr Oskar Hallatschek, Universität Leipzig - 18 October 2022, 5.00pm–6.00pm
Inaugural lecture: Chasing the spinon fermi surface state
Prof Dr Inti Sodemann Villadiego, Universität Leipzig
Physics Colloquium
- 4 February 2025, 4.30pm–6.30pm
Physics of AI: From artificial to brain network
Prof Dr Moritz Helias, Forschungszentrum Jülich, RWTH Aachen - 28 January 2025, 4.30pm–6.30pm
Spatiotemporal organisation of bacterial biofilm formation and functions
Prof Dr Knut Drescher, Universität Basel, Switzerland - 21 January 2025, 4.30pm–6.30pm
Dynamics of biased Josephson junctions
Prof Dr Björn Trauzettel, Universität Würzburg - 14 January 2025, 4.30pm–6.30pm
Seminars on teaching methodology in theoretical physics courses for teacher education
Prof Dr Holger Cartarius, FSU Jena - 7 January 2025, 4.30pm–6.30pm
Colours with a twist: bio-inspired self-assembled chiral architecture
Prof Dr Silvia Vignolini, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam - 17 December 2024, 4.30pm–6.30pm
Driven open quantum matter: from micro- to macrophysics
Prof Dr Sebastian Diehl, Universität zu Köln - 10 December 2024, 4.30pm–6.30pm
Forces in receptor-mediated cell adhesion
Prof Dr Dr E. Ada Cavalcanti-Adam, Universität Bayreuth - 3 December 2024, 4.30pm–6.30pm
Exploring the dimensional nanomagnetism – and beyond!
Dr Claire Donnelly, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden - 5 November 2024, 4.30pm–6.30pm
Special Colloquium in Honour of Prof Dr Michael Lorenz
Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) of oxide materials: From fundamental aspects to sample preparation for energy materials
Prof Dr Thomas Lippert, Paul Scherrer Institute, ETH Zurich, Switzerland - 29 October 2024, 4.30pm–6.30pm
Strong-correlation picture of high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates: Comparison with experiment
Prof Dr Józef Spałek, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland - 22 October 2024, 4.30pm–6.30pm
Felix Bloch Lecture Leipzig
Modular quantum computers based on spins in diamond
Prof Dr Tim Hugo Taminiau, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Jews and the university in modern history. The case of Saxony
Prof Dr Jörg Deventer, Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow
- 2 July 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
From flocks to foams and soft robotics
Prof Dr Erwin Frey, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München - 25 June 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Spin liquid: classical or quantum?
Prof Dr Ioannis Rousochatzakis, Loughborough University, UK - 18 June 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Building blocks for nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging
Prof Dr Amit Finkler, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel - 11 June 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Fragmented superconductivity and fluctuating stripes in strongly correlated electrons
Dr Alexander Wietek, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden - 4 June 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Bilayer quantum Hall effect at total filling = 1
Prof Dr Steven Simon, University of Oxford, UK - 28 May 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Non-equilibrium dynamics of active Brownian particles (ABP) – a paradigm in soft matter/biological physics
Prof Dr Thomas Franosch, Universität Innsbruck, Austria - 21 May 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Active bacterial fluids
Prof Dr Eric Clement, Université de Paris, Sorbonne, France - 23 April 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Matrices vs. wave functions: Schrödinger's notebooks and his equivalence proof
Dr Alexander Blum, MPI Wissenschaftsgeschichte Berlin - 16 April 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Exploring cosmic magnetism with a new generation of radio telescopes
Prof Dr Matthias Hoeft, Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg - 9 April 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Quantum Hall ferromagnetism in graphene
Prof Dr Ganpathy Murthy, University of Kentucky, USA
- 13 February 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Special colloquium: Positive geometry in cosmology
Prof Dr Daniel Baumann, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 30 January 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
New physics in driven quantum materials
Prof Dr Andrea Cavalleri, MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg - 23 January 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Quantum phases in flat-band van-der-Waals systems: making, controlling and measuring by quantum transport
Prof Dr Thomas Weitz, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - 16 January 2024, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Optical imaging and computing with disorder
Prof Dr Sylvain Gigan, Sorbonne University, Paris, France - 19 December 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Phases and topological defects in passive and active systems in two dimensions
Prof Dr Leticia F. Cugliandolo, Sorbonne University, Paris, France - 12 December 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Spinons or magnons? A quest for the correct quasiparticle description of correlated quantum matter
Prof Dr Krzysztof Wohlfeld, University of Warsaw, Poland - 21 November 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Higher-order topological insulators and superconductors
Prof Dr Piet Brouwer, FU Berlin - 14 November 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Should physics pay attention to attention?
Prof Dr Claudius Gros, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt - 7 November 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Colloidal systems out of equilibrium: Impact of feedback, activity, and external forcing
Prof Dr Sabine Klapp, TU Berlin - 24 October 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Peter Debye Lecture
About fluctuating systems far from equilibrium: nonreciprocal matter and non-Markovian transport
Dr Sarah A M Loos, University of Cambridge, UK - 10 October 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Ensemble analysis of interpretable machine learning and its application to protein sequences
Prof Dr Marco Baiesi, University of Padova, Italy
- 11 July 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Spin liquids, or how to characterise what is missing
Prof Dr Ludovic Jaubert, University of Bordeaux, France - 5 July 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Limits of line width in MAS NMR
Prof Dr Matthias Ernst, ETH Zurich, Switzerland - 4 July 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
From start-up to world market leader: The journey of Leipzig company WAVELABS
Dr Torsten Brammer, Wavelabs Solar Metrology Systems - 6 June 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Soft matter in hard confinement: What do we know about it and what is it good for
Prof Dr Patrick Huber, TU Hamburg - 16 May 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Nuclear physics in Germany under national socialism – How Heisenberg avoided an effort to build an atomic bomb
Prof Dr Manfred Popp, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - 25 April 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Emergent gauge fields in solids: from skyrmions to visons
Prof Dr Achim Rosch, University of Cologne - 18 April 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Moiré is different: New twists in the tale of strong correlations
Prof Dr Siddharth Parameswaran, University of Oxford, UK - 11 Apri 2023, 4.30pm–5.30pm
Does oncology need physics of cancer?
Prof Dr Josef Käs, Universität Leipzig
- 24 January 2023, 5.00pm–6.00pm
Preparing the future quantum natives: A journey through quantum physics education research
Vertr-Prof Dr Philipp Bitzenbauer, Universität Leipzig - 17January 2023, 5.00pm–6.00pm
Living cells responding to stress: NV-center-based sensing in biological systems
Prof Dr Romana Schirhagl, University of Groningen, Netherlands - 10 January 2023, 5.00pm–6.00pm
Squeezing quantum materials to the extreme: Superconductivity and magnetism under high pressures and strains
Dr Elena Gati, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden - 13 December 2022, 5.00pm–6.00pm
Mit Alltags- und Naturphänomenen auf dem Weg zur Physik
Prof Dr Hans Joachim Schlichting, WWU Münster - 29 November 2022, 5.00pm–6.00pm
Spontaneous symmetry breaking far of equilibrium: Kibble–Zurek mechanism for a Kosterlitz–Thouless ensemble
PD Dr Peter Keim, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen - 24 November 2022, 5.00pm–6.00pm
Replica symmetry breaking for Ulam's problem
Prof Dr Alexander Hartmann, University of Oldenburg - 15 November 2022, 5.00pm–6.00pm
The cosmic origin of the elements
Prof Dr Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, University of Basel, Switzerland - 25 October 2022, 5.00pm–7.00pm
Felix Bloch Lecture Leipzig
Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms
Prof Dr Monika Aidelsburger, LMU Munich
Leipzig Spin Resonance Colloquium
- 29 January 2025, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Toward high resolution myelin imaging
Prof Dr Jongho Lee, Seoul National University, Korea - 22 January 2025, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Towards macromolecular MRI – recent progress in mapping short-T2 material in-vivo
Prof Dr Klaas Prüssmann, ETH Zürich, Switzerland - 15 January 2025, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Magnets for quantum information
Prof Dr Christos Panagopoulos, Nanyang University, Singapore - 8 January 2025, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Metal-support interactions in heterogeneous catalysis. Insights from spin density studies of open-shell single atom catalysts
Prof Dr Mario Chiesa, University of Torino, Italy - 11 December 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Atomic-scale quantum science with spins on surfaces
Dr Yujeong Bae, Empa, Switzerland - 4 December, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Non-equilibrium processes studied by pressure-jump NMR
Dr Adriaan Bax, National Institutes of Health, USA - 27 November 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Elucidating the structure and function of battery interfaces through dynamic nuclear polarization – Solid state NMR spectroscopy
Prof Dr Michal Leskes, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel - 13 November 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
New horizons with parahydrogen-induced polarisation: Live tracking of hyperpolarisation dynamics and solid state spin diffusion
Dr James Eills, FZ Jülich - 30 October 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Trying to image tissue microstructure with MRI
Prof Dr Penny Gowland, University of Nottingham, UK
- 26 June 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
High pressure quantum sensing
Prof. Dr. Norman Yao, Harvard University, USA - 19 June 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
NMR of water for probing complex materials
Prof Dr Claudia Schmidt, Universität Paderborn - 12 June 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
How solid-state NMR can help understand contrast in brain MRI: T1 relaxation and ihMT
Prof Dr Carl Michal, University of British Columbia, Canada - 5 June 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Collective long-lived zero-quantum coherences in aliphatic chains
Prof Dr Geoffrey Bodenhausen, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France - 29 May 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
NMR as an effective probe of `hidden order'
Prof Dr Vesna Mitrović, Brown University, USA - 22 May 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Mapping static and dynamic biophysical properties of tissue microstructure from advanced diffusion and functional MRI
Dr Noam Shemesh, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Portugal - 15 May 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
THz magnetic resonance
Prof Dr Jean-Philippe Ansermet, EPFL Lausanne, Schweiz - 6 May 2024, 2.30pm–8.00pm
Mitteldeutsches Resonanztreffen - 24 April 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Spin resonance with single atoms and molecules on surfaces
Prof Dr Philip Willke, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- 31 January 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Using quantum defects in diamond for nano- und microscale magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Prof Dr Dominik Bucher, LMU Munich - 24 January 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Magnetic resonance one spin at a time
Prof Dr Jörg Wrachtrup, Universität Stuttgart - 17 January 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
High-field NMR to unlock the secrets of high-temperature superconductivity
Dr Marc-Henri Julien, CNRS Grenoble, France - 10 January 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
In vivo 2H and 13C metabolic imaging in cancer characterizations: Is one better than the other?
Prof Dr Lucio Frydman, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel - 6 December 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Diffusion MRI with strong gradients and exotic encodings
Prof Dr Chantal Tax, UMC Utrecht, The Netherlands - 29 November 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Exploring tangible cultural heritage with mobile NMR
Prof Dr Bernhard Blümich, RWTH Aachen - 20 November 2023, 2.30pm–9.00pm
Mitteldeutsches Resonanztreffen - 15 November 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Signs of a ‘time crystal’ in a surprising place
Prof Dr Sean Barrett, Yale University, USA - 8 November 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
EPR as a tool to understand the molecular basis of chlorite dismutases, a class of industrially relevant biocatalysts
Prof Dr Sabine vin Doorslaer, University of Antwerp, Belgium - 1 November 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Heterogeneous catalysts for hydrogenative and non-hydrogenative parahydrogen induced polarization
Prof Dr Russel Bowers, University of Florida, USA - 25 October 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
NMR in photo- and organocatalysis – pushing the limits
Prof Dr Ruth Gschwind, Universität Regensburg - 18 October 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Next-generation 7T MRI scanner designed for ultra-high resolution human brain imaging
Prof Dr David Feinberg, UC Berkeley, USA
- 28 June 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
NMR detection of novel ordered states in correlated electron materials
Prof Dr Masashi Takigawa, University of Tokyo, Japan - 21 June 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Mechanistic insights into electrocatalytic reactions from EPR spectroscopy
Dr Maxie Roessler, Imperial College, London, UK - 14 June 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Mapping brain microstructure in vivo in health and disease with diffusion MRI
Prof Dr Els Fieremans, NYU Lagone Health, USA - 7 June 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
The role of the radical pair mechanism in avian magnetoreception
Prof Dr Christiane Timmel, University of Oxford, UK - 31 May 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Spin hyperpolarization in modern magnetic resonance: achieving more with and without parahydrogen
Prof Dr Igor Koptyug, International Tomography Center, Russia - 24 May 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Advances in nanoscale NMR with single spin qubits in diamond
Prof Dr Aslam Nabeel, TU Braunschweig - 17 May 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Non-traditional applications of NMR
Prof Dr Mark Conradi, Washington University in St. Louis, USA - 8 May 2023, 2.30pm–5.25pm
Mitteldeutsches Resonanztreffen - 3 May 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
The Dutch 14T whole-body imaging system initiative
Prof Dr David Norris, Radboud University, The Netherlands - 26 April 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Time-resolved biomolecular solid state NMR and micron-scale MRI enabled by DNP at very low temperatures
Dr Robert Tycko, NIH, Maryland, USA
- 18 January 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Diffusion and electrophoretic NMR: Tracking ions in battery electrolytes
Prof Dr Monika Schönhoff, Universität Münster - 11 January 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Probing dynamics of a two-dimensional dipolar spin ensemble using single qubit sensor
Prof Dr Alex Sushkov, Boston University, USA - 14 December 2022, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Multi-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance as powerful tool for catalysis research
Dr Alexander Schnegg, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Energiekonversion, Mülheim - 7 December 2022, 4.00pm–5.00pm
MAGNETOM Free.Max at UM: The first 18 months at 0.55 T
Prof Dr Nicole Seiberlich, University of Michigan, USA - 1 December 2022, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Radar and lidar depolarization ratios of snowflakes
Prof Dr Dmitri Moiseev, Universität Helsinki, Finnland - 30 November 2022, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Towards new modalities of probing the microstructure at very high b-values
Dr Denis Grebenkov, CNRS Ecole Polytechnique, Frankreich - 23 November 2022, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Hyperpolarization with parahydrogen
Prof Dr Gerd Buntkowsky, TU Darmstadt - 2 November 2022, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Symmetry-based NMR pulse sequences in solids and liquids
Prof Dr Malcolm Levitt, University of Southampton, UK - 26 October 2022, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Genes, cells, and magnetic resonance Imaging
Prof Dr Dmitriy Yablonskiy, Washington University St. Louis, USA - 19 October 2022, 4.00pm–5.00pm
When small is beautiful in magnetic resonance
Prof Dr Jan Gerrit Korvink, KIT, Karlsruhe
Leipzig Meteorological Colloquium
- 4 February 2025, 3.00pm–4.00pm
Jun-Prof Dr Paul Lehmann, Universität Leipzig - 21 January 2025, 3.00pm–4.00pm
Climate extremes – Understanding atmospheric patterns and physical mechanisms behind climate and weather extremes
Dr Giorgia Di Capua, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research - 7 January 2025, 3.00pm–4.00pm
Radiation management methods targeting clouds – how to tackle uncertainties at the microscale
Dr Isabelle Steinke, TU Delft, Netherlands - 10 December 2024, 3.00pm–4.00pm
Attributing and measuring impacts of extreme weather on mental well-being
Lisa Thalheimer, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria - 29 November 2024, 10.00am–11.00am
Prof Dr Claudia Mohr, Umweltwissenschaften, ETH Zürich, Switzerland - 26 November 2024, 3.00pm–4.00pm
Assessment of ensemble selection methods to align decadal climate variability
Josep Cos, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain - 7 November 2024, 3.00pm–5.00pm
Weiterbildungsveranstaltung: Wetter- und Klimainformationen
Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft e.V.
- 29 August 2024, 3.00pm–4.00pm
Plastik in the air? – Insights from different perspectives through data obtained by Pyrolysis-GC/MS
Dr Barbara Scholz-Böttcher, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg - 8 August 2024, 3.00pm–4.00pm
Microbial connectivity between sea and atmosphere in Svalbard
Dr Matthias Wietz, Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung - 4 July 2024, 3.00pm–4.00pm
Aerosol absorption properties from MERRA-2 & brown carbon from biomass burning over Europe by PMCAMx-SR
Prof Dr Christos Matsoukas, University of the Aegean, Greece - 20 June 2024, 3.00pm–4.00pm
Prof Dr Ulrike Lohmann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland - 6 June 2024, 3.00pm–4.00pm
Publishing in Nature Journals and the editorial process behind the scenes
Dr Eftychia (Efi) Rousi, Nature Communications - 13 June 2024, 2.00pm–3.00pm
The large opposite effects of fine and coarse soluble aerosols on both shallow and deep convective clouds
Prof Dr Daniel Rosenfeld, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel - 18 April 2024, 3.00pm–4.00pm
Measuring ultrafine particles with electrical methods
Prof Dr Martin Fierz, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
- 27 February 2024, 2.00pm–3.00pm
Laboratory studies on the fragmentation of ice particles by collision
Dr habil Miklós Szakáll, IPA, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - 8 February 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Klima-Kausalität: Verknüpfung von Daten und Theorie zum Verständnis der Treiber regionaer Wetterextreme
Jun-Prof Marlene Kretschmer, Universität Leipzig - 8 February 2024, 3.00pm–4.00pm
How to Energiewende
Prof Dr-Ing Jens Schneider, HTWK Leipzig - 1 February 2024, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Attributing climate change and its impacts – opportunities and challenges from aero- sols to food insecurity
Dr. Sabine Undorf, Potsdam-Institut für Klimaforschung - 23 January 2024, 2.00pm–3.00pm
Bioaerosol measurements with the SwisensPoleno Jupiter Laboratory and at Sonnblick Oberservatory
Dr Julia Burkart, GeoSphere Austria, Univeristät Wien, Austria - 18 January 2024, 2.00pm–3.00pm
Timescales of aerosol–cloud interactions: from opportunistic experiments to radiative forcing
Dr Franziska Glassmeier, TU Delft, Netherlands - 11 January 2024, 2.00pm–3.00pm
Understand aerosol–cloud–climate interactions based on field measurements
Dr Xianda Gong, Westlake University, China - 14 December 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
From convection over sea ice leads to roll convection in cold air outbreaks – LES studies
Dr Micha Gryschka, Leibniz-Universität Hannover - 7 December 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Publishing in Nature Journals and the editorial process behind the scenes
Dr Eftychia Rousi, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research - 30 November 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Represenation of blocking in models ans climate protection
Reinhard Schiemann, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Reading, UK - 23 November 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Climate analytics
Dr Kai Kornhuber, Center For Climate and Foreign Policy of the DGAP - 2 November 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Legal liability for climate change impact: the role of attribution science
Dr Rupert Stuart-Smith, The Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, UK - 26 October 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
A radar perspective into microphysics
Dr Haroan Li, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, China - 19 October 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Insights into radiative cooling: why trade-wind clouds are organized in space and why more rain falls in warmer climates
Prof Dr Robert Pincus, Columbia Climate School, New York, USA - 10 October 2023, 2.00pm–3.00pm
Air quality research in Aotearoa it is then
Dr Guy Coulson, NIWA
- 29 August 2024, 3.00pm–4.00pm
How to build your CMIP ensemble
Dr. Anna Merrifield, ETH Zürich, Switzerland - 13 July 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Amazon forest resilience in observations and dynamic vegetation models
Dr Sebastian Bathiany, TU Munich - 6 July 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
On the role of Arctic sea ice leads on low clouds: From observations to large eddy simulations to global climate models
Dr Xia Li, Princeton University, USA - 29 June 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Plausible drying and wetting scenarios for summer rainfall in Southeastern South America: assessment of model uncertainty using a stroyline approach
Julia Mindlin, University of Buenos Aires, Argentinia and University of Reading, UK - 22 June 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
The Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (ATAL) – a conundrum resolved by aircraft borne in-situ measurements of its physical and chemical properties
Prof Dr Stephan Borrmann, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz - 8 June 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
A Lagrangian perspective on aerosol–cloud interactions
Dr Fabian Hoffmann, LMU Munich - 1 June 2023, 2.00pm–3.00pm
Introduction of the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems (ENAS)
Dr Alexander Weiß, Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems, Chemnitz - 25 May 2023 4.00pm–5.00pm
Are climate models getting close to passing the 'climatic Turing test
Dr Lukas Brunner, University of Vienna, Austria - 23 May 2023 2.00pm–3.00pm
Nitroaromatic compounds in ambient aerosols: from identification to potential sources
Dr Irena Grgic, National Institute of Chemistry Department of Analytical Chemistry Ljubljana, Slovenia - 11 May 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Improved climate risk assessment through compound event research
Dr Jakob Zscheischler, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig - 5 May 2023, 11.00am–12.00pm
Reactive species in reactions of environmental interests: kinetics and mechanisms
Prof Dr Virender K. Sharma, Texas A&M University, USA - 4 May 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Climate intervention with stratospheric aerosols: steps towards a more robust assessment
Dr Daniele Visioni, Cornell University, UK - 2 May 2023, 2.00pm–3.00pm
Aerosol research in the past, present and future: Impactful and rewarding
Prof em Dr Urs Baltenberger, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland - 27 April 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
An observationally based model for the budget and lifetime of excess CO2
Dr Steve Schwartz, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
- 23 March 2023, 2.00pm–3.00pm
Analysis of aerosolised biological particles: significance and influence from different approaches
Jun-Prof Dr Beatriz Sánchez-Parra, Universität Leipzig, Faculty of Life Sciences - 9 February 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Kolloquium der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft: Verarbeitung, Qualitätskontrolle und Verschmelzung verschiedener Datensätze in einem privaten Wetterdienstleistungsunternehmen
Janek Zimmer, - 2 February 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Deserts, volcanoes and the atmosphere: lessons learned from the recent events
Dr Gholamali Hoshyaripour, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - 31 January 2023, 2.00pm–3.00pm
Extracellular polymeric substances and their potential role in air-sea exchange processes
Prof Dr Anja Engel, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel - 26 January 2023, 2.00pm–3.00pm
Oxidants in the atmospheric multiphase system – new insights and their implications
Dr Barbara Ervens, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France - 19 January 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Reactive nitrogen in the environment and its effect on climate change
Dr Clemens Scheer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - 12 January 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Volcanic radiative forcing: past and future
Prof Dr Anja Schmidt, German Aerospace Center - 15 December 2022, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Terrestrial water dynamics from a model-data fusion perspective
Prof Dr Jian Peng, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig - 8 December 2022, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Let’s have some C.A.F.E. – Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal Extremes
Prof Dr rer nat habil Jörg Matschullat, TU Bergakademie Freiberg - 24 November 2022, 2.00pm–3.00pm
How does the chemisty at environmental interfaces affect the air quality?
Prof Dr Sasho Gligorovski, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Leipzig Geographical Colloquium
- 21 May 2024, 5.15pm–6.15pm
Being peripheral: Towards a conceptualization of peripheral subjectivities
Prof Dr Cristina Mattiucci, University of Naples Federico II, Italy - 14 May 2024, 5.15pm–6.15pm
„Das ging ja nur hier …“ – Wohneigentümerstrukturen und Segregation in ostdeutschen Großwohnsiedlungen
PD Dr Matthias Bernt, Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung, Erkner and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - 30 April 2024, 5.15pm–6.15pm
Besser wohnen in der Peripherie? Wohnstandortentscheidungen für (und gegen) ländliche Räume
Dr Annett Steinführer, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig
- 16 January 2024, 5.15pm–6.15pm
Zwischen integrierter Stadtentwicklung und Technologieinnovation: Smart City als kommunale Agenda
Dr Jens Libbe, Deutschen Institut für Urbanistik, Berlin - 9 January 2024, 5.15pm–6.15pm
Digitale Zwillinge in Leipzig: Wie weit sind wir und wie können diese die Stadtplanung unterstützen?
Dr Beate Ginzel, Dezernat Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Digitales der Stadt Leipzig
Jana Dietrich, Amt für Geoinformation und Bodenordnung der Stadt Leipzig - 24 October 2023, 5.15pm–6.15pm
The future of smaller cities in a shrinking world: Can small cities thrive without growth?
Alan Mallach, Center for Community Progress, Washington DC, USA
- 20 June 2023, 5.15pm–6.15pm
Krise und ihre Bewältigung aus raumzeitlicher Perspektive – Welche Rolle spielen Expert:innen?
Jun-Prof Dr Verena Brinks, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - 13 June 2023, 5.15pm–6.15pm
Wunden und Stein. Stadtgesellschaften im Schnittfeld von Geo- und Biopolitik
Jun-Prof Dr Simon Runkel, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena - 9 May 2023, 5.15pm–6.15pm
„The border is a local issue” – Konflikte um Migrationspolitik in Tucson, Arizona
Janika Kuge, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
- 5 July 2022, 5.15pm–6.15pm
Methoden der Zukunftsforschung für Wissenstransferprozesse nutzen
Dr Juliane Welz, Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW, Leipzig - 21 June 2022, 5.15pm–6.15pm
Roundtable: Formate des Wissenstransfers
Panel discussion with Dr Miriam Brandt, Prof Dr Sebastian Kinder and Philipp Kohl
- 20 December 2024, 9.15am–10.45am
Physics Christmas lecture - 5 December 2024, 7.00pm–8.15pm
Werner Heisenberg in Leipzig: Wissenschaft und Religion
Elena Schaa, MPI für Wissenschaftsgeschichte - 28 November–30 November 2024
CompPhys24: 25rd International NTZ-Workshop on New Developments in Computational Physics - 7 November 2024, 7.00–8.15pm
Werner Heisenberg in Leipzig: Im Dunstkreis der Politik
Barbara Blum
- 30 September 2024–2 October 2024
Physics of Cancer - 23–27 September 2024
TCO2024: Transparent Conductive Oxides – Fundamentals and Applications - 5 July 2024
Soft Matter Day - 23 May 2024, 6.00–7.00pm
Heisenberg in Leipzig #1: Heisenbergs Hochzeit. Eine Blüte der Leipziger Physik vor 100 Jahren
Prof Dr Ernst Peter Fischer
- 31 January 2024, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Paola Borri, Cardiff University, UK
Dr Istvan Biro, Heliotis AG, Switzerland
Prof Dr Stephan Link, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA - 24 January 2024, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Yuxi Tian, Nanjing University, China
Prof Dr Matz Liebel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 17 January 2024, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Delong Zhang, Zhejiang University, China
Prof Dr Renee Frontiera, University of Minnesota, USA
Prof Dr Alois Würger, University of Bordeaux, France - 10 January 2024, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Pavan Kumar, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, India
Dr Wiebke Albrecht, AMOLF, The Netherlands
Dr Björn Bastian, Leipzig University, Germany - 19 December 2023, 9.15am–10.45am
Physics Christmas lecture - 19 December 2023–21 December 2023
CompPhys23: 24rd International NTZ-Workshop on New Developments in Computational Physics - 13 December 2023, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Florian Schmidt, Umeå University, Sweden
Prof Dr David Masiello, University of Washington, USA
Dr Jaime Ortega Arroyo, ETH Zurich, Switzerland - 6 December 2023, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Yang Zhao, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Prof Dr Wei Min, Columbia University, USA
Prof Dr Randall Goldsmith, University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA - 29 November 2023, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Silvan Schmid, TU Vienna, Austria
Prof Dr Naomi Ginsberg, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Prof Dr Lihong Wang, California Institute of Technology, USA - 22 November 2023, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Dr Laurent Cognet, Université de Bordeaux, France
Dr Mustafa Kansiz, Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp., USA
Prof Dr Masaru Kuno, University of Notre Dame, USA - 15 November 2023, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Kyoko Namura, Kyoto University, Japan
PD Dr Theobald Lohmueller, LMU Munich
Prof Dr Philipp Kukura, University of Oxford, UK - 8 November 2023, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy WebinarProf Dr Vahid Sandoghdar, MPI for the Physics of Light, MPI für Physik und Medizin, Erlangen
Prof Dr Yuebing Zheng, The University of Texas at Austin, USA - 1 November 2023, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Gilles Tessier, Sorbonne Université, France
Prof Dr Garth Simpson, Purdue University, USA
Prof Dr Giulia Tagliabue, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland - 25 October 2023, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Takayoshi Kobayashi, The University of Tokyo, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Prof Dr Mikael Käll, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Dr Guillaume Baffou, Institut Fresnel, France - 18 October 2023, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Takuro Ideguchi, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr Chia-Lung Hsieh, Academia Sinica, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Taiwan
Prof Dr Gregory Hartland, University of Notre Dame, USA - 11 October 2023, 3.00pm–4.40pm
Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar
Prof Dr Ji-Xin Cheng, Boston University, USA
Prof Dr Klaus Kroy, Universität Leipzig
Dr Julian Gargiulo, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentia
- 14 July 2023
Soft Matter Day - 31 May 2023
Webinar Sphingolipid Biology
Dr Henri Franquelim and Dr Šachl Radek - 19 May 2023, 4.00pm–5.00pm
Colloquium of the Centre for Mathematical Physics: New directions & open problems in stochastic analysis
Prof Dr Massimiliano Gubinelli, University of Oxford, UK
- 15 December 2022, 9.15am–10.45am
Physics Christmas Lecture - 24 November 2022–26 November 2022
CompPhys22: 23rd International NTZ-Workshop on New Developments in Computational Physics